Where's Power Players Going? A lot of changes have been made since Power Players was first released in 1992. The inclusion of computer players, options, high scores and vastly improved graphics have made a lot of difference and have made the game that much more enjoyable to play. I have some plans for where Power Players is going and welcome any input from other users. What's Coming in Power Players 3.0? 1) Network Players This will allow multiple human players to play over an AppleTalk network or over a modem running AppleTalk Remote Access. This has been a high demand item and will definately be in version 3.0 whenever it is released. I would also like to add support for playing over the Internet and other TCP/IP networks but that depends of demand and difficulty. 2) Better Computer Players If you haven't noticed yet, all levels of computer players play at the same level. They play well but it's often difficult for beginning players to beat them and advanced players can beat them too easily. Future versions of Power Players will include dumber beginners and more intelligent advanced players. 3) Improved Graphics and Sound These are things that will continually evolve over the life of Power Players. I want to take full advantage of the 256 colors I'm requiring. Version 2.0 and 2.1 have big improvements in both areas but I want to do more. Of course, my goal is to do this without significantly impacting performance . 4) Improved Help The help system is adequate but I want to make it more interactive and useful. I plan to use AppleGuide (a System 7.5 feature) and Balloon Help to their full potential. It's just a matter of time. 5) Tournament Option A set number of games is played and the highest overall scorer is the winner. I just thought of this moments ago so it really hasn't been mulled over in my mind yet. Sounds interesting though. What do you want? I listen to user input. Version 2.1 came out because users showed an interest in the game and saw the need for improvements in many areas. I will seriously consider all suggestions made to me. You may contact me at the following: Online Internet: gfrancis@comtch.iea.com Since most other online services (AOL, Prodigy, et al) are connected to the Internet, almost anyone online should be able to get to me somehow. I don't know the specifics of sending Internet mail from any of the other online services though. Mail Greg Francis Attn: Power Players 2707 E. 4th Ave Spokane, WA 99202 When to expect Version 3.0? This all depends upon demand for Power Players and my time availability. If people pressure me, it will happen sooner. If no one breathes a word, probably nothing will happen. You, the user, get to decide when 3.0 will be released. If you want it and you let me know that you want it, I will work on it and get it out there as soon as I can. Otherwise, I will move on to other projects.